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This list is being routinely updated, and may change as insurers join or drop out of the exchange. Please check back for updates. Health Alliance Medical Plans, Inc. Humana Health Plan, Inc. Illinois State Insurance Exchange. If you are experiencing problems as a medical provider with the plans or companies in the state exchange, or if your patients are experiencing problems with the plans or companies in the state exchange, including trouble with access to medications, access to preferred providers, navigating the appeals process, excessive costs, or possible discriminatory policies, or any other problems related to the Affordable Care Actplease report these problems san antonio neuro-health medicine the novant health kernersville family medicine photos office of insurance: Illinois Department of Insurance W Washington Springgield, IL Additionally, if you are experiencing these or other problems, please report these problems to AAHIVMso that we may track issues affecting our members, and seek additional policies remedies.

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