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Clinical Trials Involving Herbal Combinations There is evidence of synergistic effects when different herbs are combined, including improvement in therapeutic outcomes and safety. Other Herbs with Potential for OA and RA Treatment A few other medicinal plants have been investigated in preclinical studies using cellular and animal models, but have not been tested in cheap health insurance plans wisconsin trials involving humans.

Discussion In this review, we have summarized clinical trials demonstrating the effect of herbal medicines when used for OA and RA treatment. Table 3 Summary of herbal medications for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis treatment. Herbal medications mimic anti-arthritis activities, as shown in the treatment of current medications, with fewer adverse effects. Conclusions Current pharmacological therapy options recommended for OA and RA are associated with variable efficacy and safety, especially for the treatment of chronic pain and continue reading. Author Contributions Conceptualization, N.

Funding This research received no external funding.

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The Oregonian. Retrieved April 27, Retrieved September 13, Affordable Care Act. Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Coons v.