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It may also include a computer's Internet address, which can identify a person's name or address when combined with other information collected by data brokers and online advertising firms. There is no evidence that this data has been misused, but connections to dozens of best medicine for cough and congestion tech firms were documented. Some of these companies were also health insurance ca highly specific information.
In OctoberThe Weekly Standard reported the site was health insurance ca the copyrights of SpryMedia, a UK-based technology company, by utilizing their software with the copyright notices removed. The technical problems were heavily criticized, and Republican representatives sent President Obama health insurance ca list of questions, demanding explanations for what health insurance ca wrong.
Some Republicans called for the Secretary of Health and Human ServicesKathleen Sebeliusto be fired, because she oversaw the planning for the site launch. American conservative commentators such as National Review writers Jonah Goldberg and Mark Steyn have argued that the website's launch was a disaster that presages larger problems throughout the entire law, with Goldberg asserting that "the Republicans insisted that this monstrosity had to be delayed are looking just a little bit more reasonable with every passing tick.
Speaker of health insurance ca House John Boehnera Republican Representative from Ohio, told reporters that throughout November "more Americans are going to lose their health care than are going to sign up. He also added that it seemed highly likely that most Ohioans just click for source pay more on the HealthCare. Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear counter-argued that while the website didn't work well yet that it soon would since HealthCare.
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