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A fifth and final aim is to make strategic investments in the mevicine health, through both an expansion of clinical preventive access sports medicine and community investments. Through a series of provisions that create premium and cost-sharing access sports medicine, establish new rules for the health insurance industry, and create a new market for health insurance purchasing, the Affordable Care Act makes health insurance coverage a legal expectation on the part of U.

The quid pro quo for near-universal legally guaranteed coverage access sports medicine the duty to secure it, as it is not possible to extend such a see more of insurance coverage without an attendant coverage obligation.

This duty extends to all U. The law also provides exemptions for people for whom enrollment is contrary to religious belief or remains unaffordable or a hardship. Without the mandate, the private access sports medicine insurance industry would not-and indeed, could not-eliminate discriminatory pricing link coverage practices, as such tactics are the means mecicine which insurers protect themselves against adverse selection.

Thus, without the mandate, universal coverage is virtually impossible, as is stabilization of the insurance foundation on which the entire health-care system rests.

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