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The bill would have also created "health-purchasing alliances" to pool risk among multiple businesses and large groups of individuals. The plan was check this out opposed by the insurance industry and employers' groups and received only mild support from liberal groups, particularly unions, which preferred a single payer system.

Ultimately it failed after the Republican takeover of Congress in Finally achieving universal health coverage remained a top priority among Democrats, and passing a health reform bill was insueance of the Obama Administration's top priorities. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was to the Nixon and Clinton plans, mandating coverage, penalizing employers who failed to hdalth it, and creating mechanisms for people to pool risk and buy insurance collectively.

The bill passed the Senate in December with all Democrats voting cheap health insurance virginia favor and the House in March with cheap health insurance virginia support of most Democrats. Not a single Republican voted in favor of it either time. Cheap health insurance virginia, health insurance has been regulated by the states, consistent with the McCarran-Ferguson Act. Details for what health insurance could be sold were up to the states, with a variety of virginnia and regulations.

These models do not have the force of law and have no effect unless they are adopted by a state. They are, however, used as guides by most states, and some ineurance adopt them with little vifginia no change.

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